Stay at Home Orders in Response to Coronavirus Increase Online Shopping, Safety Practices -- While Serving as Harsh Reminder of Preparedness Needs

"Shop locally" has become a motto for many as a way of supporting local businesses and communities. But, thanks to the novel coronavirus (COVID - 19), the world is in crisis and the need to protect public health and safety through "social distancing" has taken center stage.

Online shopping has been quickly on the rise as a result. Increasingly, communities, states and individual businesses are adopting Stay Home, work at home policies and practices in order to safeguard the public. Indeed, the vast majority of U.S. population is now under official "stay-at-home" orders and advisories, whether voluntary or mandatory lockdown. Staying safe and avoiding risk to others has become the new mantra of social responsibility.

At this time, it’s uncertain how long the need for isolating from others will continue, with projections ranging from weeks to months.

So what are people supposed to do to get food, home supplies, medications and other essential or otherwise needed items?

Some local stores and restaurants are rising to the challenge by offering delivery services and the placement of orders online. Others are offering drive-through and curbside pickup services. Many others unprepared to deal with the sudden change are either keeping their doors open to those who choose to venture out or closing their operations, whether temporarily or permanently. Some consumers have turned to making their own goods, like facemasks and antiseptic sprays.

Another shopping alternative for consumers, and one that avoids direct contact with others, is buying online. A number of name brand and other stores are offering this option to assist their customers in staying safe while keeping business going.

A novel sort of online "shopping hub" --- -- has expanded its offerings to include an array of products specifically screened for their value to consumers dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. Product screenings focus on necessity or usefulness of products in such a time of crisis, product availability (where other outlets list items that the shopper ultimately discovers are "Out of Stock"), and consumer ratings.

As consumers across the U.S. and the globe have discovered, essential products have disappeared from store shelves, and even online outlets, due to excessive demand. Unlike other sources, the mentioned online shop does daily reviews to make sure the products they have listed are actually available -- including finding replacements where items reach out-of-stock status, which happens daily. New products are also added on an ongoing basis. The goal is to save consumers time and ensure they can find needed and otherwise helpful products, with the added benefit of having them all available in one place.

As shown on its Website, the was launched as a virtual shopping hub in 2018, featuring a diverse range of products from multiple supply sources. It’s coronavirus pages address basic needs (like toilet paper, antibacterial wipes, facemasks, disposable gloves, vitamin C, and others, including food) as well as a variety of other needs – from emotional support (ways to relieve stress, anxiety, depression, fear) and motivational, empowerment tools to a unique game that can be played with friends and family for fun and enhanced communications during difficult times. Products for those now working at home can also be found on the site, such as productivity tools for employees and managers and resources for those who have lost their jobs.

The supply and demand landscape is moving faster than ever these days as demands increase for particular types of products. Anyone who follows consumer product Websites can see that such products are routinely going out-of-stock nowadays or being placed on backorder while manufacturers and others work round-the-clock to bring more to market. Shipping delays have also occurred due to extraordinary demand coupled with employee walkouts at warehouses. In addition, some suppliers have now reserved certain of their products for orders by medical facilities, as indicated on their online order forms.

The situation is a harsh reminder of the need for preparedness -- for healthcare emergencies, predictable demands due to extreme weather and climate events, and other emergencies affecting critical supplies and demand. Steps taken in dealing with the coronavirus will, hopefully, inform and better prepare the masses as well as governments to reduce the damaging effects of future emergencies and challenges ... while at the same time inspiring creative and timely solutions Now.

Given the rapid spread of the coronavirus, so important on an immediate basis is that people across the country and the globe take consistent, concerted action to Be Safe and protect the safety of others.

(c) Marcia Elder, April 4, 2020

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